Electronics and Communications Engineering Program
Attributes of the Graduates of Engineering (NARS 2018)
The Engineering Graduate must:
- Apply a wide spectrum of engineering knowledge, science, and specialized skills with analytic, critical, and systemic thinking to identify and solve engineering problems in real life.
- Behave professionally and adhere to engineering ethics and standards and work to develop the profession and the community and promote sustainability principles.
- Work in and lead a heterogeneous team.
- Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
- Master self-learning and life-long learning strategies to communicate effectively using different modes, tools, and languages to deal with academic/professional challenges in a critical and creative manner.
- Acquire Leadership qualities and business administration.
- Act professionally in design and supervision of electronics and communications projects.
- Manipulate and simulate different electronic circuits, devices, and applications using computer aided programs and mobile phones.
- Design, operate and maintain digital and analog communication, mobile communication, coding and decoding systems.
welcome everybody who participates in building a future for our own country to help it take a considerably distinctive place among nations.