Creativity and Innovation Center (CIC)
Creativity and Innovation Center (CIC) Director's Message

Prof. Dr. Amr Hussein Hussein Abdallah
Creativity and Innovation Center (CIC) Director

The importance and role of small and medium enterprises in the economic advancement of most countries in the world cannot be overlooked, as these projects constitute the largest portion of the private business sector in most countries, including Egypt. Today, it has been confirmed that high growth rates are not achieved in an ideal manner and competitive capabilities are not built by increasing investment rates and capital accumulation only, but rather through technological changes and the development of human skills, which are considered the basis for developing the self-capacity to innovate, modernize, and provide new goods and services with high technical content.
The new growth equation that is being adopted in most developed countries that have achieved great development leaps depends on five sources of growth in output, which are (technological or technological progress – growth of capital – growth of distribution efficiency – growth of employment – level of exploitation), meaning that capital accumulation is It is one of the sources of growth and not the primary source. We must focus on other sources, namely productive efficiency and technical innovation played by entrepreneurs. Accelerating economic growth to achieve a higher level of per capita income and a greater level of well-being requires emphasis on certain elements such as effective management, better training, continuing education, more capital investment, and technical innovation. Within these responsibilities carried out by the entrepreneur who possesses the skills (risk, innovation, and management), he undertakes the task of taking the initiative to create a new project, a new commodity, or an innovative marketing method, and through his pursuit of profit to achieve a high degree of profit for his new ideas, he achieves the goals of economic growth and contributes to the transition. From recession to prosperity and recovery.
The Creativity and Innovation Center (CIC) at the Faculty of Engineering – Horus University, Egypt seeks to build bridges of cooperation with relevant local and international institutions and bodies, and to create positive awareness among the masses of faculty members, students, administrative workers, and all relevant parties regarding the idea of creativity in accordance with the general strategy of the college, its mission, its vision, and its declared goals, Relying on distinguished competencies and locally and internationally recognized measurement systems and mechanisms that ensure the college has high competitive capabilities, within a framework of independence, neutrality and transparency. Also achieving the college’s effective participation in the transfer and marketing of technology and innovation in order to confront the most important societal, technological and industrial challenges in line with Egypt’s vision for sustainable development 2030.
- Spreading awareness about the concept of creativity and the culture of self-employment and encouraging innovation and development.
- Developing entrepreneurial thinking among college and community employees and qualifying them to enhance their competitive capabilities and establish entrepreneurial projects.
- Developing new ideas to create and create new creative projects or helping to expand existing projects.
- Building an effective network of relationships with initiative development centers and funding bodies to support entrepreneurs in successfully establishing and marketing their own projects.
- Providing consultations in the field of innovations and creativity to achieve community partnership between the college and society.
- Encouraging a culture of creativity, excellence, innovation, and patents by building distinguished and influential relationships with researchers, partners, the business sector, and society.
- Attracting creators and innovators.
- Marketing the college’s creative outputs.
- Develop a comprehensive research strategy that includes giving priority to focusing on the main research areas in the college’s engineering disciplines.
- Supporting scientific research at the college.
- Strengthening financial support for research and establishing specialized research laboratories.
- Integrating research knowledge into the college curriculum and linking it to societal issues.
- Improve policy management and measurement for innovation.

welcome everybody who participates in building a future for our own country to help it take a considerably distinctive place among nations.