Strategic Objectives
- Preparing qualified and trained cadres in accordance with the standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) to carry out engineering and technological responsibilities in the fields of specialization offered by the faculty.
- Contributing to raising the professional competence of workers in all industrial, productive and service sectors, provide assistance to them and address the problems they face.
- Forming a generation of distinguished engineers and qualified researchers, to identify the vital disciplines that our society is looking to catch up with the world in benefiting from it.
- Building bridges between the world research and advanced technology in the developed world to what is performed in units of an industrial, productive and service nature.
- Developing a sense of citizenship, supporting team spirit, respect of time and work as a way of life and progress.
- Implementing research projects, providing professional consultations, holding intellectual meetings and holding training programs to contribute to enriching knowledge and developing the performance of individuals in the society.
- Participating in achieving the development plan and putting science at its service to develop the scientifically and culturally, and provide environmental services to new urban communities.
- Developing human capabilities to meet the needs for engineers in new communities.

welcome everybody who participates in building a future for our own country to help it take a considerably distinctive place among nations.