Frequently Asked Questions
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What are the academic degrees awarded by the Faculty of Engineering?
Upon the request of the Faculty of Engineering Council, the university awards a bachelor degree in Engineering in the following majors:
- Architecture
- Civil engineering
- Electrical engineering (Electronics and Communications)
- Mechanical engineering (Mechatronics)
What are the currently active programs?
Four programs are activated:
- Architecture
- Civil engineering
- Mechanical engineering (Mechatronics)
- Electrical engineering (Electronics and Communications)
Are there further prospective programs?
Two new bylaws are being prepared for two bachelor degree-awarding programs: The Artificial Intelligence Engineering, as one program of The New Department of Computer Engineering and The Biomedical Engineering, as one program of the existing department of Communications and Electronics Engineering.
What are the admission requirements ?
- A high school diploma-Mathematics specialty, or its equivalent from an Arabic or foreign certificate recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities as determined by the Ministry of Higher Education.
- Students enrolled in one of the faculties of Egyptian or foreign universities or in a scientific institute that follows the credit-hour-system and that is recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities are allowed to transfer credit to HUE, provided that they fulfill the faculty’s admission requirements mentioned above. In this case, an academic clearance is necessary and the calculation of the credit-hours the student acquired must be done.
What is the Faculty’s study system?
The study in the faculty follows the credit-hour-system that has the following requirements for the degree to be awarded:
- To pass 170 credit hours equivalent courses with a GPA greater than or equal to 2.00.
- Passing the graduation project.
- Passing the Pass and fail required courses such as summer training courses.
What is the language of study in the faculty?
English is the language of study except for the General Knowledge courses that are in Arabic language. However, in all cases, the exam should necessarily be in the language of study.
What is the duration of study in the faculty in all semesters?
The study period for a regular student (who passes all required courses in all semesters) is not less than 9 major semesters, and the academic year is divided into three semesters as follows:
- Fall Semester: it covers 14 weeks and begins as early as September.
- Spring Semester: it covers 14 weeks and begins as early as February.
- Summer semester: it covers 7 weeks and begins in late June, provided that the number of weekly contact hours allocated to each course is doubled.
What is GPA and CGPA?
Grade Point Average (GPA) is a numeric indicator for a student's academic performance, calculated on a scale of 4.0.
The CGPA is calculated cumulatively for all semesters.
What happens if I reduce my academic load to less than the suggested credit hours in my program of study?
If you reduce your academic load to less than the suggested credit hours in the program of study, you will need extra semesters, to fulfill your degree requirements

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