Design & Manufacturing Engineering
- Engineering Drawing & Projection (DME 011)
- Principles of Manufacturing Engineering (DME 022)
- Principles of Design & Manufacturing Engineering (DME 111)
- Mechanical Drawing Assembly & CAD (DME 112)
- Manufacturing Processes & Engineering Metrology (DME 121)
- Design of Machines Elements (DME 113)
- Monitoring & Quality Control Systems (DME 131)
- Material Science & Testing (DME 132)
- Structural Mechanics & Stress Analysis (DME 141)
- Kinematics of Mechanisms & Robots (DME 151)
- Mechanical Design (DME 211)
- Dynamics of Mechanisms & Robots (DME 251)
- Modeling & Simulation of Mechanical Systems (DME 252)
- Project Management (DME 314)
- CNC Machines & Material Cutting Processes (DME 321)
- Engineering Economics (DME 351)
- Mechanical Vibrations (DME 352)
- Automatic Control & Applications (DME 361)
- Measurement Techniques & Codes (DME 371)
- CAD/CAM (DME 421)
- Hydraulic & Pneumatic Control Systems (DME 481)

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