Electronics and Communications Engineering
ECE 221 | Digital & Logic Circuits |
ECE 222 | Electronic Devices |
ECE 231 | Computer Programming |
ECE 232 | Modeling & Simulation of Engineering Systems |
ECE 241 | Microprocessors & Applications |
ECE 271 | Signal and Systems |
ECE 322 | Electronics Engineering |
ECE 331 | Computer Organization & Architecture |
ECE 332 | Computer Networks |
ECE 361 | Electrical Communications |
ECE 373 | Automatic Control |
ECE 411 | Integrated Ciruits Design |
ECE 321 | Electronic Circuits |
ECE 461 | Antenna & Wave Propagation |
ECE 462 | Digital Communication Systems |
ECE 463 | Mobile Communications |
ECE 471 | Digital Signal Processing |
ECE 413 | Embeded Systems |
ECE 421 | Optoelectronics |
ECE 422 | Medical Electronics |
ECE 423 | Automotive Electronics |
ECE 431 | VLSI Technology |
ECE 442 | Microcontrollers & Applications |
ECE 453 | Microwave Engineering |
ECE 454 | RADAR Systems |
ECE 455 | Acoustics |
ECE 464 | Information & Coding Theory |
ECE 465 | Optical Communications |
ECE 466 | Telephony Systems |
ECE 467 | Satellite Communications |
ECE 432 | Information Security |

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