تهنئة بفوز أ.د. عمر الكيلاني -قائم بعمل وكيل كلية الهندسة للدراسات العليا والبحوث من بين 176 متقدما وحصوله على تعاقد رقم STDF#49668 ليكون من المشاركين ببرنامج نقل التكنولوجيا من الجامعات, والممول من قبل هيئةUSA-Egypt Aid تحت اشراف هيئة دعم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والابتكار-المصرية STDF
Date | 21/08/2024 |
Location | N/A |
Duration | N/A |
Organizer | N/A |
Partners & Sponsors | N/A |
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تهنئة بفوز أ.د. عمر الكيلاني -قائم بعمل وكيل كلية الهندسة للدراسات العليا والبحوث من بين 176 متقدما وحصوله على تعاقد رقم STDF#49668 ليكون من المشاركين ببرنامج نقل التكنولوجيا من الجامعات, والممول من قبل هيئةUSA-Egypt Aid تحت اشراف هيئة دعم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والابتكار-المصرية STDF
Professor Omer Alkelany has been awarded the STDF#49668 contract, among the 176 applicants who applied to the program earlier past year to the STDF Technology Transfer Program-Call1. This program is under the supervision of Science Technology Development Fund agency of Egypt, which was funded by USA-Egypt Aid agency. It is worth mentioning that this program involved that all participants attend numerous online training sessions (about 20 workshops between October 2023 and June 2024, for a total of about 30 training hours), and 3-day extensive face-to-face training session at Ain-Shams University, Cairo in May 2024 (for an extra 30 hours)
At the end of the program, Prof. Alkelany was awarded a certificate for passing the IP Basics for Software Innovations from the Association of University Technology Managers, the ones conducting such trainings
At the end of the program, Prof. Alkelany was awarded a certificate for passing the IP Basics for Software Innovations from the Association of University Technology Managers, the ones conducting such trainings
welcome everybody who participates in building a future for our own country to help it take a considerably distinctive place among nations.