The Dean’s Welcome Message

Prof. Mohamed Dabaon
Faculty Dean

Dear All,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome every newcomer student who would like to join us and become one member and part of the HUE Faculty of Engineering with its diverse range of majors and programs. To give you a brief idea about us, the college offers a wide variety of specializations available with different engineering disciplines for the students to choose from. This includes: Architectural Engineering Mechatronics and Structural Engineering and expansion is going on with some further prospective programs such as artificial intelligence Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. Such academic diversity offers some curriculums that will hopefully help to satisfy every student’s academic preference and meet the requirement of the local and the international labor market.
The faculty has widely set some distinctive goals to guarantee the highest quality and excellence in the learning process. One of such goals is not to be traditional in our applied educational systems. This is why we actually seek to apply the most recent and modern teaching methods, including all available updates in e-learning and educational online services, that promote critical and innovative thinking in all students and alumni.
Furthermore, we always seek to update the different provided facilities and services in order to cope with the expectations of our students as well as the universal academic standards. This simply requires the accurate selection of a large number of influential academic staff members so that the students will have the opportunity to learn from a group of well-chosen scholars. One further goal is that of keeping up with a certified international quality system such as (NARS), The National Academic Reference Standards. This, in its turn, will help our students acquire the skills needed to join the regional and international labor markets.
In addition, the faculty is always keen to upgrade its diverse programs and syllabuses to create generations of well informed and qualified alumni. Besides the academic obligations, we are also greatly concerned with the ethical, moral, legal, and professional rules needed whenever the alumnus starts his\her career as an engineer. To help every alumnus build a stable balanced personality that can widely meet the requirement of being a future highly qualified engineer is also at the core of our interests. Hence, enhancing the students’ study with some further greatly required skills such as the skills of communication, management, self-expression, leadership, and working under stress will always remain one of our principal interests.
Finally, I would like to express my great confidence in the academic staff, Assistant staff, personnel, and students to work together under the principle of participation in order to promote the Faculty towards development and progress.
Best Regards,
Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Dabaon