معرض صور المشاريع الممولة
EXL Equipment
Some pictures of the Experiential Learning Research Lab
One of the developed experiments showing a Camera card connected to the FPGA board, and an external monitor
One of the developed experiments showing a high-speed data acquisition card connected to the FPGA board
One of the developed experiments showing a touch screen connected to the FPGA board
Second view of one of the developed experiments showing a touch screen connected to the FPGA board
One of the developed experiments showing an external monitor connected to the FPGA board
One of the developed experiments showing a mini-FPGA board
Second view of the mini -FPGA board
أ. د. محمد ضبعون
عميد الكلية
نرحب بكل من يساهم في بناء مستقبل وطننا لمساعدته على أن يأخذ مكانة مميزة بين الأمم.